Family Of Choice – or I always wanted to be like Anna Madrigal

Elsewhere I have often spoken about my family and how grateful I am for my free and open childhood and youth. If my mother gave me one thing, it was always how important family is, but she always emphasized that family doesn’t necessarily mean blood relationship. Today I know what that means, because even though […]

Diary of polarizing shirt from Berlin and Martha in New York City

I posted this in December 2022 on my German website. Many of you asked me if I can post this in English as well but it took me a while to find the time to translate it, but here it is.  Which shirt and who is Marsha you are probably wondering.  Well I want to tell […]

Almond Butter, Banana, Oat Cookies

Even if you sometimes don’t see it at first glance, I have been dealing intensively with wholesome, vegetarian and vegan nutrition for several years and have been doing further training to become a vegetarian and vegan nutritionist for some time.   Anyone who has known me for a long time knows that I gained a lot […]

World AIDS Day 2022

01. December is World Aids Day, like every year since 1988. Most of my life I had to live with with the fear of the virus and the horror of seeing countless friends, acquaintances and colleagues dying. I was lucky that I still have a negative status today, it could have turned out differently. When […]

Sten’s Blog